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BedBible.com Reports on 2022 Worldwide Sex Trafficking StatisticsZoom Button

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BedBible.com Reports on 2022 Worldwide Sex Trafficking Statistics

BedBible.com Reports on 2022 Worldwide Sex Trafficking Statistics

New York, February 9, 2022

BedBible.com has funded a report that spent two months doing in-depth research about worldwide sex trafficking. The report gathered data from 172 countries and analyzed 109.216 identified victims. This is by far the largest study and most comprehensive on the topic. The full report can be found here.

Key findings

35 million is the number of victims of sex trafficking every single day

Estimates show that, internationally, only about .04 percent of survivors of trafficking cases are identified, meaning that the majority of cases go undetected.
The “industry” has never been larger—It has an estimated $99 billion market value

To put it into perspective, the sex trafficking industry is larger than the global cocaine market and almost as big as the global PC market. Also, if aggregated the yearly revenue of McDonald's, Netflix, Wall Disney, and Best Buy we have the same value.
During the pandemic, online recruitment increased 22 percent

The analysis found significant growth in the proportion of potential victims for whom Facebook (120 percent increase) and Instagram (95 percent increase) were the sites for recruitment.
There have never been so many child victims

Worldwide, almost 20 percent of all victims are children. However, in some parts of Africa and the Mekong region, children are the majority (up to 100 percent).
Why people end up in sex trafficking: Recent migration, Mental Health issues, Unstable housing, Homeless Youth, and Drug abuse

Everyone ending up in a trafficking situation has a clear and identifiable vulnerability that a trafficker preyed upon.

Why is this report useful?

Human trafficking is divided into forced labor and sex trafficking. We’ve chosen to primarily focus on sex trafficking since this stands for 79 percent of all human trafficking cases in the world. This detailed-oriented approach makes room for insights that maps sex trafficking in an angle never seen before.

Contact information

This report was conducted by statistician Jacob Østerby who holds a Master’s of Science Degree in Business Intelligence. The report is one of the most exhaustive on the topic with data across nations. The research was funded by Bedbible.com; a brand that helps visitors find sex toy products in an unbiased way, and further do in-depth research within the topics of romantics and erotics. Bedbible.com has no ads and is free to use for everyone.

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